Take a moment to consider our naturally designed state of being; like the love, happiness and curiosity of a toddler. You see, we are created in love, therefore; we are love. As an adult, we must learn to let go of the past, so we can look forward with “fresh eyes”… to love and nurture our beautiful thriving life.
Human nature allows us to get stuck in old habits and viewpoints long after they quit serving us. However, we do not have to stay in the same mindset. We are free to cultivate new thoughts and ideas at any time and at any age. We all know men and women who have the spirit and enthusiasm of the very young, we also know people who act and think in the reverse. Why are we fearful of change? Perhaps, it’s the fear of the unknown, a lack of self-confidence or just not knowing what we don’t know.
Who will you be?
The choice is always available to us and we can choose as often as we wish. Ask yourself, “How will I show up today? What are my intentions?” What a relief to know that our old thoughts and resentful feelings of today, when rooted in nourishing love and compassion for ourselves are able to reinvented. Through these reinvented thoughts and feelings we are able to create whomever we want to see in the mirror.
I will open my eyes to whatever I choose to see today, and yesterday’s experiences have only the power I do—or don’t—give them.
My personal story has been one of many rebirths. I grew up in a broken home with many life-altering experiences through childhood and into adulthood.
I was searching for a place to belong to feel loved which lead me to marry young and divorce the same man twice. That event lead me to the multi-role job of a single mother with two wonderful girls. Days after the nest was officially empty, I am blessed to have found new love and have recently remarried.
Change is our destiny
I consider myself lucky to have had my father who would tell me “You are able to do anything you put my mind to.”
Professionally I have chosen to reinvent myself a few times. As a young woman, I managed a mobile food service business with 20-25 employees. I switched gears to work in the salon industry as a sales consultant. Next up, I earned my real estate license in 2008 and started selling homes part-time in addition to my salon construct still.
Then, I decided a couple of years ago to take the leap into a full-time real estate career. My heart is so full today because helping people find the right home is incredibly rewarding.
This is what I know for sure: Where ever you want to go – you can,
What ever you think you can do – you will.
Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t change. Life = change. It’s not a magic trick, it is simply your will. Your thoughts become your words, become your actions, become your reality.
A beginners mind and living in curiosity will allow you to experience each moment with fresh eyes.