I am afraid of failing and being alone.
You know REALLY alone. Like on the edge of a precipice in the dark and you know there is vast space all around. You have to make a decision while little lights of your dreams start to glow and multiply, and you spin around in awe.
Do you stay and hide in this beautiful space in time—or—is it time to take a step of faith into the unknown to see if you really can make your dreams come true?
Recently, on a family trip to Disney, I physically re-experienced this emotion when I realized I have been here before in my dreams. Actually, I was sitting alone in the Spaceship Earth ride surrounded by little twinkling lights when I experienced the same feeling of alone, free, and the choice of stepping off the edge and going into the unknown to achieve my dream.
When things seem to be falling apart (I liken it to the old game Tetris and the bricks are crumbling) and everything you hold dear in value crumbles and falls away you can feel so alone. I have finally realized that its ok, and I am just moving into the next phase of my life.
So instead of feeling sad I wait, breathe, and watch for the next new thing because I know it will all be better.
If anyone has seen the movie “Inside Out”, you too may have felt the sadness during the scene of the little girl’s life crumbling. If not, I encourage you to watch this film and enjoy the adult messages that are hidden in this “kids” movie!
When you are given a vision of what you are to do, it is hard to explain to anyone else how you are going to accomplish that vision. One thing I do know, I have lived and believed a Zig Ziglar quote:
“It takes ten no’s to get one yes!”
Because on my first vision of opening a bundt bakery, (come on now, we all know that sounded crazy!) my first four contacts were a resounding, “Yes!”
I went home in shock, and with raw emotions that I really didn’t know what to do with, I started to bake and bake.
In my life lessons I know it is more than important to help others, share your story, share your knowledge, share your time, and you will find it is the quickest way for your next door to open!
What is stopping you from your dream? Fear of failure, being alone?
This I can tell you it is more than a feeling… you need a heart of a warrior! Get out there and greet everyone with a smile and an open door to your heart. Tell anyone who will listen your story, and you will be amazed by the world that will open up to you.
You didn’t think these people were put in your path for no reason did you?
And, failing? If you are following your dream, there is no failing, be flexible learn and adjust your dream as you go!