MBAwareness Educational Program

Mindful Education Professional Development Training


Our professional development training is designed to develop the basics of a personal mindfulness practice, mindful teaching, and how to teach mindful education to others.

You will also learn: 

  • Benefits seen in children
  • A summary of research and neuroscience
  • A demonstration of lessons done with children
  • A description of our evidence-based in-school program

 Get Ready

  • Please read and sign our liability and photo release form here. We will be recording portions of the training. Recordings will be for future promotions and will be used in other online training. Your instructor will review our guidelines around recording at the opening of your training and set agreements for the comfort of participants. You will also be asked to acknowledge recording of the training when you sign in which will also constitute permission for liability purposes.
  • This will be an interactive Zoom meeting.  Please be present with your video ON in order to receive certification.
  • Technology: Computer with a microphone and a camera, Printer (optional), Internet connection, Zoom (most recent version). Note: Each participant needs to have their own computer with a microphone and camera.
  • Log on to your meeting 15 minutes prior to the start of the session for our virtual “Cafe and Conversation,”  which is a great time to ask questions, connect with your fellow workshop participants, meet your facilitator, and troubleshoot any technology concerns.
  • Materials needed:  material kit and resource folder (provided)
  • In the links below, you will notice a link to your handbook that includes an agenda, resources, and various other reading materials referenced in the video. You might download and print some of the information if that is appealing to you.

The Good Things Just Keep Coming


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Zoom Meeting Details

Your workshop is: August 17th, 2021 from 12:15-3:15 PM.

Access your workshop at this link:

Join Zoom Meeting Here

Meeting ID: 824 4041 5326
Passcode: Pause

One tap mobile
+13126266799,,82440415326#,,,,968959# US (Chicago)
968959# US (Washington DC)]

Meeting ID: 824 4041 5326
Passcode: 968959

Feedback + Certificate

Please take a few minutes to evaluate your professional development experience, and download your course certificate. Be sure to enter our raffle and sign up for good stuff all year long.

Why Mindfulness Is a Superpower: An Animation

Teachers Pay Teachers

Our TpT store has tons of digital and downloadable lessons. Shop now and bring mindful SEL to your students today!