Professional Development for Teachers

Professional Development for Teachers

Shift the energy of your school using mindful education practices

Brain-based and mindful, social-emotional learning is easy to integrate into the classroom.

The MBAwareness Educational Program is helping teachers and students meet each day with focused attention and emotion regulation, creating a calm readiness to learn.

Trauma-Sensitive Mindful Education

The physiological benefits of mindful social-emotional learning and mindful movement practices yield positive outcomes in self-regulation, stress reduction, and a reduction of PTSD symptoms. 

Teacher works with students

Amplify your teaching.

Use social-emotional learning and mindfulness practices. 

Start here.

Workshops for Teachers

Educators establish their own mindful attention practice and learn how to bring it into their classroom. By managing individual stress, teachers can lead students and create a calm readiness to learn. Gain skills to present to each age group and leave with resource material allowing you to teach these game-changing practices.


In-Service Opportunities

Multiply the impact of your teacher inservice meetings when our educators train them in mindful social-emotional learning practice that is useful in their classrooms and improves learning outcomes. MBAwareness meets SEL curriculum standards. We train in trauma-sensitive mindfulness. Our programs are customized, with short and long programs available in-person at our studio, at your school, and online.


Create lasting change.

Learn the best practices and gain the tools to amplify your teaching. Create positive learning environments and teach effectively. 

It takes practice. Show your students how.

Together, let’s raise future generations of emotionally intelligent, wholehearted people.  Grow adults who were taught and can learn the skills needed to build positive relationships, to focus and be aware, be resilient, and have discernment of values. 

Mindful training is a classroom game-changer.

And the teacher reviews are stellar!

“Because I have been meditating for about 35 years, I know the value of using the mind to work through childhood trauma, and adult challenges. I see the future moving in this direction for greater health applications and for a more peaceful, happier, joyful world.”

“This came at just the right time for me. I am dealing with some personal loss and navigating the public school system, all the while trying to keep peace and balance in my world. I have gleaned some very valuable tools and my students will benefit as well.”


Mindfulness training will allow me to spend more minutes teaching because it will allow my students to build community and self-regulate themselves for achievement and happier lives.”