Original airdate: October 13, 2021

Guide: Caryl

Opening Song: Unstruck Chord by Steve Gold

Featured practice:

Studies show that practicing gratitude for even a short amount of time increases well-being. Gratitude as an intervention for mental health, relational health, and even physical health. Gratitude is an amazing technology in health that brings along with it joy, reverence, and awe. This practice is one entry point into feeling the sensations that arise when experiencing gratitude and mindfully applying an attitude of gratitude to our daily lives.

Related Link: https://positivepsychology.com/gratitude-meditation-happiness/


Connect In is a guided mindfulness practice that happens every Wednesday at 8:15 a.m. EST. This community event is virtual, free, and open to all levels of mindfulness practice. 15 minutes is all it takes to start your day with intention.  Connect In now!